Saturday, January 12, 2008


I don't feel much like writing tonight. Like most days before inventory my thoughts were dominated by work and the store. I had to force myself to write in my journal tonight and now I'm here forcing myself to post on my blog. To tell you the truth I wouldn't even think of it if I wasn't working on two good streaks of writing in both formats every day. So the question of the night is, is it better to write something trite and weak just to be writing or is it better to write your way out of a day's funk? I'm going to lean toward doing the writing. Interesting or not it is still a chronicle of a particular state of mind. Besides you can never be completely sure of the value or lack thereof until you've put the words to paper (or screen). I guess I could say the same for taking pictures. If you don't click the shutter you have no idea if you have a picture or not.  

1 comment:

Toni said...

You answered your own question and in doing so put forth an observation that is anything but trite.