Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Iowa Caucuses

So my pledge to stay out of the political mess so much in the new year was tested by tonight's Iowa Caucuses. The pundits are going to be all over this one for awhile but here is my limited take. 

First I think a 3% showing in any state from the supposed front runner is pathetic. Whether or not Rudy Giuliani spent dollar one or even set foot in the state you would expect someone that is trying to carry the banner for the party to show better than that. Compared with the overall turnout and excitement generated on the Democratic side makes me feel pretty confident about throwing Iowa in the blue column if Giuliani gets the nomination. 

Second, I'm not buying into the Clinton on the ropes theories. Obama is from a neighboring state. He's supposed to do well and Edward's might as well have changed his mailing address to Iowa for all the time he's spent there since the 2004 election. Unlike Rudy, Clinton may have finished out of the top two but she did so with nearly 30% of the vote. She's still got money and momentum. I'll reevaluate if she does poorly in New Hampshire but I'm still calling her the candidate to beat. 

Speaking of New Hampshire Romney needs to show up big time in New Hampshire because not only did he spend a lot of time and energy in Iowa for a second place finish it looks like he's not going to knock anybody out. Thompson and McCain finishing in a dead heat for third place is probably enough to keep them going for at least a couple of more states. And there is no way that Ron Paul with his twenty million dollars and army of fanatic supporters is going away anytime soon. So the Republican's remain divided with six candidates splitting up the ticket for the foreseeable future. It sounds like I'm probably writing about politics again on Saturday. 

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