Tuesday, June 30, 2009


So I’m trying to figure out how the hell everyone is calling the Honduran affair a coup. Constitution is written specifically to make sure that no one person stays in power indefinitely. President ignores constitution orders an illegal election. Attorney General and Supreme court says you can’t do that. President says fuck you I’m doing it anyway. Supreme court orders military to remove president. Military does just that and then allows congress to name the new president. Which it does. New president is from the same party as the old president. There was about to be a coup in Honduras and it was coming from Manuel Zelaya.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Our Story

I haven't posted anything in awhile here. It was beginning to look like I'd reduced my life to 140 character snippets. While it's true that I've embraced the Twitter mindset that is not the whole story. This last month my attentions have been in a new direction. There is someone new and special and wonderful in my life. While we have not exactly been hiding our fledgling relationship nor have we been shouting it from the rooftops. Last night that dynamic changed when we went through a modern digital rite of passage when first her then I changed our Facebook status to show ourselves in a relationship.

I know that's a bit goofy but Facebook has played a big part in bringing Kelly and I together. In a nutshell here we are.

Our Story

We managed to spend 4 years together at the same high school without ever once speaking to one another. 20 or so years later Facebook notices that and overlapping circles of friends. Kelly adds me as a friend saying that Facebook wouldn't shut up about adding me so she did.

We make comments on each other's posts, share some stuff together, we suggest some books and movies we think the other might like. Typical Facebook stuff only we seem to get the same kick out of the same stuff. Some of the conversations and advise start getting personal so we start private messenging and using email. I decide it's weird to be opening up to someone I've never offically met and ask Kelly to meet me after work sometime.

Some time and negotiation leads us to meeting at Magnolia in the Haight. We have a very pleasant dinner and agree to see each other again. A week or so later Kelly writes on Facebook that one of her vacation goals is to take pictures of the pelicans on the coast. Photography is a passion of mine and I love pelicans too so I suggested we go on a Pelican Quest photo walk. We did end up doing just that and while we didn't do so well on the pelican front we did have a remarkable time together capped off by dinner at the Beach Chalet where it came out that we liked each other. You know. Romantically. Soon we started plotting to spend whatever free time we could with one another and each time we did was better than the last. Since we owed Facebook the debt of bringing us together it seemed a fitting way to announce our relationship.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Briana's Luck

Here is a video clip from Brandon Tyler's show I shot on May 30 at Brain Wash.