Monday, January 7, 2008

New Hampshire

Last night I got into my first political fight of the season. It made me feel horrible and reminded me that I had promised not to pay too much attention to this presidential race. Yea, I'm doing a good job keeping that promise. Anyway that fight plus the results in Iowa and what's going to happen in New Hampshire have got me taking a new look at Barack Obama. I've always liked him but I lean a little more towards the center and the Clinton candidacy. But I'm finding more and more that I'm alone in the center with that attitude. Iowa got me looking at an electoral map again. Obama makes the Republican's unable to take the south for granted. They will have to spend time and money there. Not so if Hillary is the candidate. Barack wins some midwestern states that Hillary will have some trouble competing in. I am still hoping that they join forces it's just that now I'm wondering who I really want at the top of the ticket. 

Anyway this was supposed to be about New Hampshire so here are my predictions now that the polls have opened. 

  1. Obama
  2. Clinton
  3. Edwards
  4. Richardson
  1. McCain
  2. Romney
  3. Huckabee
  4. Paul
  5. Giuliani
  6. Thompson
We'll take a look in 24 hours and see how I did. 

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