Friday, February 22, 2008

Wet Rat

So tomorrow is the Chinese New Year's Parade in San Francisco. It is the Year of the Rat. It looks like this year it's going to be a very wet rat. The forecast for tomorrow night is for rain, heavy at times, with winds 30 to 45 mph with gusts up to 70. Last year the evening of the parade was near perfect weather but I was sick as a dog and couldn't really get out of bed. This year in my excitement of having the new camera I went ahead and ordered a bleacher seat. It looks like it could be a pretty soggy seat by the time the dragon comes around. Tonight I've been working out a system of plastic baggies with holes cut in them for my camera and lens as well as breaking out my old bib from my sailing days. Stay tuned. Whatever the weather I'm sure to have some interesting pictures tomorrow night.

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