Friday, May 25, 2007

"Watch Like a Pirate" Day

I had just been kidding around when I signed off with the "watch like a pirate" comment, but right before the movie started at the AMC Van Ness the entire row in front of me filled up with young people in full pirate regalia.

It was a fun movie. Better than Spiderman and much better than the second one. More sailing this time and not so much messing around with fruits.

They run ads all during the breaks which I actually don't mind. I hate waiting in a movie theater staring at a blank screen or those horrible slides for dental school. The thing I noticed was that you could do a little marketing research just by listening to how loud the crowd was during each ad. If they were making a lot of noise they weren't paying any attention. If my premise is correct then I wouldn't want to be in network television. The audience tuned out all of the tv ads. They paid more attention to General Electric telling the world how environmentally conscious they are. Of course a subject like that required (and got) superior production values.

Bottom line on Pirates of the Caribbean is a solid thumbs up. It was worth the $8.50 matinée price and I probably would have gone $10.50 and not felt too bad about it.

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