Friday, May 25, 2007


I just found out that Bank of America is giving away free admission to a bunch of museums throughout the month of May. I just switched to BoA a couple of months ago and am very happy with their online offerings. Their billpay site is far better than the site I had tolerated at Washington Mutual for years. So finding out that they are giving away local museum tickets should make me happy right? Well no, actually I'm a little annoyed. May has been the month that I've set up all my automated billing, which means I've been on the BoA site every couple of days and never heard a word of this. I had to get it off of the Consumerist web site.

So the choices are:

  1. Staying home and messing around with my computer and websites until I go into some form of shock.
  2. Walking down to the MoMA and getting the last two hours on BoA.
  3. Wading through the crowds for some opening day Pirates of the Caribbean goodness.
I think I'm going to declare this "watch like a pirate day" and get out of my apartment for a while.

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