Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert!

I got woken up around two by what I had thought was broken glass though it turned out to be a loose pipe that had fallen when some guy crawled down from the rooftop next door to the back carport. I saw the guy trying the back storage door. I couldn't make my mind up to call the police. I should have called the manager or the cops. No I went to investigate on my own. Just when I was getting sold on calling the cops  I did see the manager in the back checking it out. It was him that figured out what had happened. They guy had come in over the rooftop next door. Knocked down the pipe, waking me up and couldn't get into the building so left via the garage door which he left open. You know Its good I'm right there above the garage with the window open all the time listening but it would be smarter if I would do something when I see something out of the ordinary. 


Toni said...

You went to check it out! I myself would have been torn between calling the police or watching to see how the story developed.

lacadaz said...

Well, the watching the story unfold part wasn't far from it. I only went to the top of the staircase to listen. Unlike the building manager who headed to the basement and back area I was ready for a full retreat into my apartment if necessary.