Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Change at Christmas

This year at the store we got what has to be our worst Christmas CD ever. I don't think there is anything that is more killing to the spirit of Christmas than the ever present holiday music everywhere you go. By the time the day actually arrives it only takes a couple of jingle bells to make me think about hanging myself. So, I can think of no greater endorsement for a piece of music than the fact that I just went to the iTunes store and paid for one of the songs that we've been playing over and over for the last 6 weeks. That song is the Flaming Lips "A Change at Christmas (say it isn't so)". 

I had a very good, very end of the year productive day yesterday. Over the last two day's I've organized most of the projects in my life (including the one we're working on you slave-driving Frenchman), categorized my expenses for all of 2007 and started a brand new blog. I'm putting my life in order because Change is coming. I am planning for the future but 2008 is the most unwritten page of my life. Love, work, home and family are going look markedly different when I write this same entry a year from now. 

I dreamt of death last night. In at least three dreams I was about to face a violent and brutal death. While there was dread and some fear and even some denial I took it all pretty well. Since my life has been dominated by my personal fear of death I take that as a victory. Colleen and I had a conversation last week about death and the tarot. Death is not a card you don't want to see in your tree. The Tower, The Moon these are the things that you would rather avoid. Death is the sign of change. Only through the death of our old selves can our new ones emerge. 

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