Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mini Vacation

Ladybug Sign, originally uploaded by lacadaz.

Got spirited away on Monday. Karen came to town and picked me up for an afternoon walk in Muir Woods. I have been in desperate need of a good walk in the forest and the day didn't disappoint. On the trail we came up on this sign for a "Vacation Spot for Ladybugs. As you can see even the sign was crawling with ladybugs as was much of the fence, ferns and ground around us. Afterwards we drove to the coast and had some good quality time with the Pacific.

As far as the pictures go, it was getting dark in the forest in the late afternoon so al my shots came out needing a lot of help from the old digital lab. I've put five up but I hope to find some more good ones to add later.

1 comment:

Toni said...

How sweet the thought, a vacation for ladybugs.