Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Good Morning and Guess What You Just Bought

I started writing a piece in honor of the first 100 days of the Obama Presidency. Mainly because every media outlet seems to be doing it and I don’t want to feel left out. I should finish is a day or two. It’s not really about the administration. In fact I’m probably going to title it “Why I’m Still Not a Republican” and it is more about how despite all my attempts to join back up the GOP continues to put up walls, barriers and entry fees that are simply too much for this middle-of-the-roader to deal with. This isn’t to say that I’m all that happy with all the decisions the President is making right now. Did I wake up to find out that I bought Chrysler? To go along with Citibank? And AIG? I guess that I’m not completely opposed to some government investiture in business. I just think we might want to talk to our broker because most of this stuff looks like real dogs. The conservative principle that the reason you don’t let government invest in anything is because they are really bad at it is looking pretty right on right now. Chrysler? Really? Why would I want to buy a company when there was no way in hell I’d ever buy the product?

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