Saturday, June 14, 2008

Where Have You Been?

Girl, originally uploaded by lacadaz.

Well to tell you the truth I've been right where I usually am. Spring and Summer are always hard times for me creatively. The Sunshine gets me down. I guess that's why it's good that I have a job that gets busier the more the sun shines. Work has been taking up more of my energy but not so much that's it's wearing me out, just an upturn in the business (though not as much as my bosses or I would like). I bought a Roku Netflix streaming box that I've been loving and using to watch a bunch of documentaries. My favorite was one on Henri Cartier-Bresson. It prompted me to order a couple of his books on Amazon. The main one arrived just yesterday. And it was yesterday that I finally locked myself in my apartment and went through all the pictures that I took when Colleen was out here at the end of April. There are a hundred and thirty new pictures on my flickr pages so click on the girl with her hands on her hips and take a look. I still have a sizable backlog to go with my Bay to Breakers and Union Street festival photos too so stayed tuned. I even managed to hit the street last night to take a couple of shots which I'll try to put up tonight.

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