Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Weekend Has Arrived

Red Rose 5, originally uploaded by lacadaz.

Grace had to take this past weekend off so I was alone at the store for the last three days. Three warm and sunny days. Three busy days. Three days when I could have really used my assistant manager. Anyway it was a long weekend for me and I spent most of Monday just cleaning up the store. But Monday was my Friday so now I'm off and looking forward to taking some new pictures. Here is a rose from tonight. After work I realized that it was already the third and my February Muni pass was going to stop working in the morning so I took the bus down to Safeway so I could use my debit card to buy it. I decided to buy some flowers while I was there to work on my macro photography. There are some more on my flickr site. I don't know what I'm going to shoot tomorrow but I know I want it to be new. Whatever it is I'll be posting it around twenty-four hours from now.

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