Saturday, May 3, 2008

Spring Fever

Dancer in the Wings, originally uploaded by lacadaz.

Just a quick note to say yes I am alive and I have not completely abandoned my artistic endeavors. While I may have not posted anything in the last few weeks here or on flickr I have actually taken a large number of photographs. I hope to process some of them over the next few days. Let me just say that I hate spring. Everything goes through upheaval in the spring and to tell you the truth I don't like that all that much. I like fall. I like knowing that winter is coming and things are going to freeze for a little while so maybe I can negotiate my way through life a little bit more effectively for a couple of months.

They remodeled my store, it's pretty but easier to rob. In my head I couldn't decide if I was a midwestern family man or a west coast urban hermit. I finally decided on software and a system for processing my pictures, they upgraded both of the programs I use and once again I can't make up my mind. I get the girl I've been chasing for years to spend the weekend with me, we part as friends.

Now I know that these are not catastrophes by any means. But they are the kinds of things that make it hard for me to produce any meaningful work. This is one of the reasons I like photography. I have not been able to concentrate or write or stay on task for very long this last month. Yet I have amassed several hundred photographs that are waiting for me to get my ass back on track. I've found my medium.

Things are looking up though. I have more help at work. I've joined the San Francisco Fine Arts museums and my trips to the de Young and Legion of Honor have already had a great impact on the way I see. I bought the catalog to the MoMa Friedlander show last night and it is changing my life. I know where I belong. I'm staying in the city. If rent control isn't voted out of existence next month I'm probably staying in this apartment. I've spending more time and energy with an old friend that is also trying to work her way out of a corporate rut. Happy productive times are just around the corner. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

The Forest of Sharpened Pencils said...

Hello! Everytime I look up the number for Mokas in Salina your blog pops up. I am a Kansas native who has been in Chicago for the past six years. I am relocating to the Bay area after a little pitstop back in Salina (not my hometown) and I couldn't resist the urge to email you (your Wal-Mart experiences mirror my cultural impressions of Salina). How do you like the Bay Area? Have you been there long?
Happy spring!
-Catherine Kuhn