Sunday, February 10, 2008

Early Morning Set-up

Early Morning Set-up, originally uploaded by lacadaz.

I was up early this morning to try to catch morning light. I walked down to the square but found that all but the smallest part of it was being prepared for a major event. I took some pictures around the edges but wasn't very happy with any of them in the end. So I started taking shots of the workmen. This is the best of those. I decided to stop shooting and get some coffee and write in my journal. This was a good decision. Lately I've been doing my daily writing at the end of the day. This does very little for me other than helping me keep my commitment to myself. At night I'm just too tired and full of too much of the day's baggage to use the time to clear my mind. This morning I got myself back on track at the Cafe Rulli in Union Square. Of course I'm still faking my way through this blog post while trying to keep my eyes open. One step at a time I guess.

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