Monday, December 24, 2007

Getting Better All the Time

Strange day today. Still felt like I was sick but most of my cold symptoms are in retreat. The only one that was full bore on me was my chapped lips. Whatever I was using on them today wasn't working. Brandon thinks that's because the secret ingredient in my $.89 lip balm is fiberglass. The way they were feeling today I'm inclined to agree. They were cracked and bleeding for part of the day. Getting my mouth around the deli sandwich I had for lunch was pretty close to impossible. I bought some Burt's Bee's at Walgreens on my way home and that helped. But that was on my way home and was not so helpful for the day at work.

Speaking of work I didn't sell a damn thing until after one o'clock. For three hours it was busy and then dead again. We'll that's the holiday for you. You never know quite what to expect.

I opened my presents from Karen tonight. Three exotic candy bars and some smoked salmon. What I would give to have a bite that doesn't taste like bees wax. Milk chocolate with Bacon and Salt is as strange as it sounds. Will be better when I open the bottle of wine that Laszlo gave me after I kill off this cold for good. The Creole bar with chicory and espresso is just crying out to be shared with a cup of coffee and the Red Fire bar with it's cinnamon and chipotle chilies is flat out delicious. The salmon will have to wait for the acquisition of crackers.

Well Christmas is only 4 minutes away so Merry Christmas to all and to me a good night.

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