We'll not quite an office but as close as I can get. I managed to get an alcove all to myself on the 5th floor of the San Francisco Public Library with a nice view of City Hall. I had power and internet and of course my phone and music with me so it was a nice change of pace from writing in my little room with its alley view of the Hotel Rex. I even managed to take some birds eye pictures of people on the street from up here. I'm definitly going to be doing this again.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Easter Morning
This one is from Easter Morning before going to work and before the parade and festivities. I have a couple of more days of intensive work as I try to get through the weekend, close out the first quarter with a bang, look to hire some new people and get my store ready to be closed next weekend for inventory. Once I'm through that though, things should be pretty good. I've decided not to offer my services to any other store and instead take four days off next week instead of two. The idea is blissful. I just need to stay healthy so I can enjoy it.
Some Pictures from the Easter Parade
Well I'm back. I have been taking pictures but I've been struggling with the post-production. Today I went to a 3 hour seminar that Apple was doing at the Westin on their program Aperture. Despite being pretty much sold on Lightroom and having a library in it of several thousand images I've been tinkering with Aperture since 2.0 came out. The presentation was impressive and I came back home eager to try out some of the things I'd learned. My first hour was spent having to delete the program, re-install it, destroy all my settings, rebuild my library and in general get pretty pissed off. I finally got it to work again and managed to import and process all of my Easter Parade pictures. That went well. I narrowed down and processed 400 pictures into the 37 that I loaded on to flickr tonight. Well that's all for me. I've got more pictures to go through but that will happen sometime after I get a night's sleep.
2008 Union Street Easter Parade.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I Went out to the Bridge on Monday
I had to go into the store to process something that was on a deadline so I took the opportunity to jump on the 28 and take it out to the bridge. I tried to catch a shortcut down to Fort Point but ended up in a very steep and wooded area so I had to backtrack. Nothing more embarrassing than getting lost in the woods in the middle of a city. I took a few shots and then headed home. I just finished my two days off and frankly I felt antsy all the time. No, that's not quite true. For a while there I was feeling testy. Yesterday I seemed to use most of my day researching the in's and out's of keywording photographs. I went ahead and signed up for smugmug and I'm starting to get serious about the organization and presentation of my pictures. It is a daunting process to say the least.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
A Big Thank You
I know I have used this space to make fun of m y 254 square foot apartment before but tonight I would like to thank my friend John for his part in adding a great new feature to my abode. You see after spending the evening at Fiddlers celebrating St. Patrick's day my apartment now has that added bonus of spinning round round like a recored baby round round like one of those cool restaurants that give you a whole city in the round. After single-handedly raising cider futures I can report that my apartments now turns on it's own.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
My New Best Friend
It's been a rough week or so with a hell of a stomach flu descending on me early last week. I haven't felt like doing much of anything in that time but I did manage to take at least one picture a day. Tonight I finally got around to posting them on flickr. This one is from Sunday and it is of my savior.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I Made the Finals
Remember that calendar contest that I was pimping for votes on last month. We'll they've narrowed it down to one picture from each of the four weeks in February. Mine is week three. The prize is actually something I'm very close to buying for myself, a one year pro account to Smugmug. So if any of my readers might see fit I could use a little support. At the moment I'm one vote off the lead so even a little bit of help would be appreciated.
The link is here
ADIDAP Flicker Round February
And stop to check out the rest of the site. All Day I Dream About Photography is a great photography blog and one I read every day.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
My Weekend Has Arrived
Grace had to take this past weekend off so I was alone at the store for the last three days. Three warm and sunny days. Three busy days. Three days when I could have really used my assistant manager. Anyway it was a long weekend for me and I spent most of Monday just cleaning up the store. But Monday was my Friday so now I'm off and looking forward to taking some new pictures. Here is a rose from tonight. After work I realized that it was already the third and my February Muni pass was going to stop working in the morning so I took the bus down to Safeway so I could use my debit card to buy it. I decided to buy some flowers while I was there to work on my macro photography. There are some more on my flickr site. I don't know what I'm going to shoot tomorrow but I know I want it to be new. Whatever it is I'll be posting it around twenty-four hours from now.