Friday, July 20, 2007

Yes, My Apartment Is Small

Last night when I got home I found a copy of the building's Facility Emergency Plan stuffed through my mail slot. It answered some questions I had been having about my abode. Namely that the building is old (1927), that I have the smallest apartment in it (even the building office is bigger) and that my apartment is really small (254 square feet according to the assessors records). The rest of the 16 page document can be summarized as, "When shit happens get the hell out of the building".

Saturday, July 14, 2007

iPhone Envy

So I've been trying to avoid being overwhelmed with iPhone envy as I cannot afford the device for several months at the earliest. I response I went ahead and got my first smartphone and switched my service over to AT&T. I've been happy with Verizon for these last 5 years but I'm sick of the way that they cripple every phone I get from them and how nothing plays nice with my mac. My new Nokia e62 was not the hit that they were hoping for and AT&T has dropped it from their line up. Good news for me as I picked it up from Comp USA for free with a contract. I don't mind the contract because at some point I'm getting an iPhone and I'll be stuck with AT&T anyway.

In the meantime I'm loving this phone. And the plan is much better than Verizon for me. Being able to move my nights up to 7pm was huge. Rollover minutes are ideal for me as I rarely use all my minutes but every 8 months or so I go over and I'm stuck with a phone bill several times my monthly fee. I cut down my land-line so my overall phone bills are going to be a wash except now I have internet and email wherever I go. Sweet.

I've got to go to work now. More later on the subject. I promise.